Session Offerings

Birth Chart Soul Purpose Reading

You are born with an astrological chart that when interpreted shows you the blueprint of your life. This is your life hand book. It allows you to understand the journey of your soul, hidden blind spots that are holding you back from moving forward, areas of your life you came to learn and heal through, how to uncover your unique strengths and talents, the path you can take to reach your highest potential and this is just the beginning!

In this 60 minute reading we will deep dive into your life map aka your birth chart to give you clear guidance on your life path and how to unlock your highest potential. Your birth chart provides you with an unparalleled level of support, guidance and clarity. This is also a powerful tool to help understand your partner and strengthen your relationship and incredible insight to navigate parenting your children. This reading is over zoom and is recorded as it will be your go to reference throughout your life to help you understand and navigate your journey.

Are you ready to tap into some magic?

Akashic Record Reading

Your akashic records or soul records hold every single experience from every life you have ever had. This session will focus on energy blocks and soul program clearing through Spiritual Response Therapy to remove any blocks or negative energy on a soul level that are hindering you from moving forward and living life to your fullest potential.

Every thought, feeling, experience and emotion your soul has experienced including belief patterns, areas of trauma, stress imprints (to name a few) are stored in these records and your subconscious mind. Even though there is not a conscious awareness of these past life experiences, they are still very much stored in your energetic make up with the ability to shape the lens in which you view the world through and impact your decisions. By removing these blocks there is no longer an interference with your desires helping you reach your desired goals.

Year Ahead Forecast Reading

Want to know what the upcoming 12 months has in store for you?

This personal astrology forecast gives you incredible insight into what you can expect over the next year giving you insight and the tools to make it the best year possible.

The detailed and specific guidance this reading provides will give you a road map to asses the best course of action to move forward leveraging the opportunities of the year ahead.

Terms & Conditions: By making a purchase, you agree as the Client that you understand that you are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. Client also agrees not to hold Ocean and Oracle liable for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct result of a specific referral given in a session. Due to the nature of our work together, packages, courses and sessions are non refundable. If for any reason you are struggling or not benefiting from our work together, please let me know!