Session Offerings

Astrology Reading

This reading is for anyone looking for guidance and personalized insight on:

What is holding you back from moving forward towards your goals and highest potential.

Your unique talents and strengths and how to start tapping into them.

Support with navigating a life transition or decision.

Unparalleled accuracy understanding what the next 12 months has in store for you.

Insights on how to cope with challenges and steps specific to you on how to move forward as easily and aligned as possible.

If any of this has you saying “yup, I need this type of guidance and support right now” this session is for you!

Astrocartogprahy (Location Astrology)

Would you like to find out the BEST places in the world for you to live and travel where opportunity, career, love and abundance (to name a few) are already there and waiting for you? Would you like to find the places in the world that ALIGN with your purpose, your desires and your goals?

This session is for you.

Astrocartography shows you where in the world you will THRIVE. This powerful tool helps you choose where the best places to live, and where to plan your next travel destination so you can stop struggling and start thriving. Think of it like tapping into all the magic and abundance the world has in store for you.


Where the best place for you to live is.

Locations that support your healing.

Previous places you have lived or traveled to understand why events unfolded the way they did to help support closure.

Where you will thrive with your career.

Where the best places to travel are to help you experience all the abundance the world has to offer you.

Where you have financial abundance waiting for you.

Where your love lines are to help facilitate healthy relationships are.

In this session we will look at up to 3 places of your choosing and deep dive into your astrocartography lines + your relocation chart for that area to give you the full picture of what opportunities await for you in these specific geographical locations. This reading will also be recorded so you are able to be present in our time together. We will cover a lot of information so you will want to go back and rewatch.

Akashic Record Reading using Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

Your akashic records or soul records hold every single experience from every life you have ever had. Every thought, feeling, experience and emotion your soul has experienced including belief patterns, areas of trauma, stress imprints (to name a few) are stored in these records and your subconscious mind. Even though there is not a conscious awareness of these past life experiences, they are still very much stored in your energetic make up with the ability to shape the lens in which you view the world through and impact your decisions. By removing these blocks there is no longer an interference with your desires helping you reach your desired goals.

This session is for you if you are looking to:

Get to the root of situations or experiences that seem to keep repeating themselves to create forward progression instead of feeling stuck, unmotivated or discouraged.

Release anxiety, stress or negative emotions to start living life from a peaceful and aligned place.

Break unwanted thoughts and limiting beliefs to help you step into a more positive mindset and align yourself with your manifestations.

Release blocks keeping you from moving forward in life the way you want to. This can be anything from finances, to relationships, or simply something you feel you are not making forward progressions in no matter how hard you try.

If you are done settling and are ready to start taking steps forward out of where you are and towards where you want to be, this session is for you.

Click the link below to see a video testimonial of this clients experience releasing money blocks.

Terms & Conditions: By making a purchase, you agree as the Client that you understand that you are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. Client also agrees not to hold Ocean and Oracle liable for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct result of a specific referral given in a session. 48 hours notice is required to reschedule any session. Due to the nature of our work together, packages, courses and sessions are non refundable. If for any reason you are struggling or not benefiting from our work together, please let me know!