Applied Astrology
Ever find yourself asking questions like:
Why are relationships so hard for me?
Why do I feel so afraid of change?
Why do things never seem to work out the way I want them to?
Why is work so challenging?
Let me let you in on one of my biggest life navigating tools:
Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky the moment you take your first breath. The placements of your unique combination of planets and points tell you who you came here to be, and the roadmap specific to you that you can take to get there.
This course isn’t just about learning astrology. It is about learning how to have fun with life, be gentle with yourself, radiate confidence and learn to make choices in your highest alignment so life starts to flow the way it is meant to for you. It’s the handbook to life you’ve been asking for.
You’re probably familiar with astrology and follow accounts like CoStar or The Pattern on Instagram.
You might even know your sun, moon and maybe your rising sign…
But you have no idea what exactly they mean or how they work together to make up who you are.
And can we talk about generic misinformation? No hate on astrologers who throw up generic readings for the signs, they can be fun to watch or read, but what I WISH they would also share is that these are exactly that. Generic. So many clients have asked me if they are doing something wrong because their “horoscope” told them they would find love this month and they didn’t.
There are SO many different factors in your own chart that will give you insight into what is going on in your life outside of what is happening with your sun sign. Not to mention these readings don’t include the houses which adds a whole other layer of detail and understanding.
If you’ve ever felt like you don’t fit in with your zodiac-specific memes, qualities and characteristics… This is why.
And while you get excited every time you see your monthly horoscope or sign-specific advice… It feels a little generic. And you’re ready for more!
You have questions like:
What’s my path in life?
How do I take steps forward towards my desired goals and dream life?
Why do I keep living this same pattern over and over again?
Why is this happening?
How do I get through this?
Who did I come here to be?
Why does it feel so scary even though this is what I want, but can’t figure out how?
Why do I struggle in this area but others seem to attract it with ease in their life?
And you’re at a place in your life where you’re ready to:
Make this the year your life changes.
Release blocks you didn’t know were holding you back.
Learn how to best navigate the future in a way that is most beneficial to you.
Grow into the person you know in your heart you’re meant to be.
Learn how to better understand others and adjust your approach so you can have thriving and fulfilling relationships.
Gain clear insight on how to leverage your strengths (yes they can lay dormant if not utilized properly)
Identify your weakness and how to nurture them into a strength. Everyone has weak areas of their chart they need to grow through in this life that once accomplished brings significant opportunity.
Get insight specific to you to help you quantum leap towards your dream life.
Gain an additional income stream should you choose. How could some extra money doing something that actually interests you impact your life?
You may have tried to tackle learning Astrology all on your own… Just to close the book after feeling overwhelmed. How do I know this? Because this is how I started my astrological journey.
Zodiacs? Planets? HOUSES? It can all feel overwhelming, I know. I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be….
Learning astrology is much like checking the weather report.
It won’t change the fact that it is raining outside but it is going to give you the awareness to ensure you move through the storm as easily as possible.
If you’re ready to…
Feel more confident in who you are and the choices you make in this lifetime…
Understand who you are at your core so you can instill boundaries with others…
Feel better equipped to navigate relationships and be your best self in them…
Feel self-acceptance on a whole new level so you can live your best life….
Feel empowered by getting your own answers (instead of relying on someone else to give you your answers)…
Then Applied Astrology was designed for you!
Your birth chart doesn’t do the heavy lifting for you, you have to co create the opportunities you came into this life with, but it does give you the tools and confidence to make decisions that are aligned to you (rather than forcing something that’s not working or following someone else’s advice that doesn’t quite feel right for you) and shows you how to move forward in the easiest way possible.
In Applied Astrology, you’ll learn the tools to grow through challenges and help you discover your right path, so you can finally give yourself permission to live life in a way that feels happy, exciting and good for you.
As you’ll learn in Applied Astrology… The answer is not in changing who you are but learning to work with what was gifted to you in this lifetime.
Here’s exactly what you’ll learn when you join Applied Astrology:
The journey of your soul and how to move from your South Node (patterns that are automatic and leave you feeling miserable) to your North Node (what you’re here to grow into and become to be the best version of you)
The strengths and weaknesses of your chart (every chart has both) and how to work with them to be the best version of yourself
How your chart translates into everyday life (like why you love snacking, feel lazy af sometimes, or struggle to communicate your needs)
Understanding your lunar cycle (when your energy peaks and dips throughout the month) so you don’t overload yourself, set yourself up for failure and end up feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and overcommitted.
The retrogrades and how to move through the effects of them (yes, all planets retrograde). Spoiler alert: the hyped up mercury retrograde is the LEAST of your concerns. Seriously… Ask me about Pluto retrograde.
What work is best suited to you and how you can thrive within your professional life.
Your chart overthrow (which no one else talks about). Your overthrow are the pillars of who you are and just as important as knowing your sun, moon and rising.
How to implement the unique handbook that is your birth chart into everyday life, helping this crazy thing called life feel a little bit easier.
.… just to name a few!
We all came here to grow.
Life is about growth - we are souls living a human body having a human experience and there will always be challenges, but this challenges certainly do not mean life has to feel hard.
Let me help you learn how to make it easier for you to navigate those challenges and grow from them. Growth is unavoidable. If you make the periods of growth exhilarating or painful is up to you.
When you join Applied Astrology, you’ll receive access to:
Your student portal and individual login with all course materials.
Instant access to my eBook on understanding your Sun, Moon and Ascendant so you can start learning right away
Over 20 Learning modules that break down your birth chart in a bite-sized formula and easy-to-understand way.
Over 25 cheat sheets to make absorbing the material as easy as possible.
Over 30 worksheets to help you learn and apply the material in your everyday life.
10 60 minute coaching video calls held once a week to come together to share aha moments, ask questions about your chart or the material and to connect with other like minded souls.
10 quizzes to help you deepen your learning, track your progress and understand what areas you can revisit to strengthen your knowledge.
Access to the best community of like minded souls
Lifetime access to the course materials
A passionate teacher who cares not only about her students but ensuring the have proper support learning the course material.
By the end of this course you will:
1 - Be fully tapped into your basic astrological blueprint including who you came here to become and what you need to work towards to align with the highest version of yourself.
2 - Have a clear understanding of your strengths you are meant to embody in this life (and that you can use to balance your weaknesses)
3 - Understand areas of karmic baggage, fears and old wounds that have been blocking you from reaching your fullest potential and how to break free from these constraints.
4 - Have access to a new toolbox to not only assist with your growth and evolution but to also support the growth of your loved ones (and clients if you have them) should you choose.
5 - Have an understanding of your unique communication style as well as how to understand the communications style of those around you. Solid communication is one of the pillars of a successful relationship.
6 - Have a new life long support system to help you navigate whatever life throws at you
It can definitely feel easy to write Astrology off as nothing more than a generic monthly horoscope that divides the entire population of the world into 12 archetypes.
However, when used properly, Astrology is an unparalleled level of support helping you understand your inner world as well as the world around you. This gives you the tools to navigate whatever life throws at you as well as insight into what steps to take next.
Astrology has been around for thousands of years, this isn’t a new age spiritual trend. Kings used Astrology to help lead their kingdoms and the moon has the ability to control the tides!
There are many benefits of Astrology, one of the most helpful amongst them being support navigating life changes and helping the unknown become a thing of the past. There isn’t much guaranteed in this life, but one thing that is guaranteed is changes keep coming whether we like it or not. This can be one of life’s hardest challenges.
Your birth chart gives you specific guidance (not a generic horoscope) into themes of growth for YOU and necessary steps to move forward out of the growth experiences and into a more desirable phase of life. You can’t control these growth phases but you definitely play a role in how long you stay in them for. Understanding areas of my birth chart helped me move through an unexpected life challenge in 3 days where prior to that it took me 3 years to move through the exact same situation.
Astrology also helps you understand the underlying purpose of your experiences.
Why are relationships so hard for me?
Why do I feel so afraid of change?
Why do I feel stuck and can’t move forward no matter how hard I try?
Why is work so challenging?
Why is nothing working out the way I want it to?
Your birth chart helps you step into your natural strengths to align you into confidence, helping you grow through and overcome these experiences. Through this you are able to lean into and enjoy the phase of life you are currently in instead of resisting it (resisting or ignoring doesn’t work, trust me I’ve tried) and ultimately help you move through these experiences towards your desired goals and dream life, faster.
Once you learn the basics you can even step into a more advanced understanding of when and how long these cycles will be in your life. I was able to identify a cycle that had me moving all over the world giving me insight into why it seemed impossible for me to settle down in one place. This insight was invaluable to my mental health and emotional wellbeing during this time. Knowing that cycle helped me lean into the changes and trust the unknown instead of trying to continually force something that wasn't working.
A former student once said to me “I had no idea Astrology had the power to give me this much information. My life would have been so much easier if I would have discovered this when I was younger” another said “This course was like doing an archaeological dig of myself. I can not believe how much this has helped me not only understand who I am, but help me feel stronger and more confident.
Where some people look up at the sky and see a bunch of random planets and stars, I see answers, opportunity and clarity.
Hi! I’m your Astrologer, Jennifer!
I’m a Taurus sun, Leo moon and Libra rising.
This means that although I can be quite introverted and enjoy my alone time, I also have a tendency to be the life of the party and am passionate about what I love. You will soon see how this charismatic energy translates into my teaching style. There is nothing boring about this course.
I first noticed the impact of understanding my astrological make-up when I realized why it was so hard for me to speak my feelings, needs and wants in a relationship. Up until that moment, I could speak in front of a room full of corporate men, but couldn’t tell my partner/boyfriend how I felt.
I realized that my Venus (the planet of love, romance and all things beautiful) is in a place of double weakness. By identifying this, I was able to release the frustration I was feeling and instead nurture this area. Now I am able to communicate in a way that feels good for me and the quality of my relationships has gotten so much better.
Learning to read my birth chart gave me validation and relief that I wasn’t crazy and something wasn’t wrong with me. Being able to move through challenging areas of my life by leveraging my strengths and nurturing my weaknesses has been a game changer for me.
Leaning into the fear of the unknown and trusting life’s changes has taken me 3 years in the past, now I can roll though this in 3 days. I know I can’t be the only one who could use support navigating life's unexpected curve balls with more ease.
If you are ready to connect with yourself on a deep soul level, catapult yourself forward towards your desired goals and dream life and learn a powerful tool to help navigate your journey as well as your relationships with your loved ones, this course is for you!
Applied Astrology FAQ
Our payment plans start at $279/month!
Absolutely and you are able to submit your questions prior so even if you miss the call you will still receive a high level of support.
Yes we do, starting at just $279/month.
This is a life navigation tool that you will come back to again and again as your life unfolds. You have lifetime access to the material.
Terms & Conditions: By making a purchase, you agree as the Client that you understand that you are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. Client also agrees not to hold Ocean and Oracle liable for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct result of a specific referral given in a session. Due to the nature of our work together, packages, courses and sessions are non refundable. If for any reason you are struggling or not benefiting from our work together, please let me know!